Flavor Profile: Deep earthy-critris pine along with a cherry-chocolate and coffee undertone that leaves a sweet-earthy mixture for the exhale and after taste.
Scent Profile: Very strong petroleum gassy scunk pinesole type of scent that is very load and pungent!
FLAVOR PROFILE: Blueberry and vanilla with a earthy-sweet citris pine , with a hint of skunk to remind you of its indica genetic qualites to the sativa profile.
Scent profile: Strong pungent petroleum with a soft cream and starburst aroma.
Sweet oily floral at inhalation and upon excel, deep choclolate caramel coffee with a prominate hint of fruit punch.
SCENT PROFILE: Sweet and sour skunk and orange peels with a gasoline stinch that expresses the aromatic OG kush scent along with a high fruitpunch undertone.